前陣子有同學跟我們分享他差點被騙的事情,酷編整個嚇爛! Σ(゚Д゚;≡`゚д゚)
前陣子就連社群平台 Dcard 也因會員匿名發文涉及詐騙等案件,遭到警檢搜尋。
◆ 詐騙:scam、fraud
兩個字都是名詞,也是廣義的同義字,指的是詐騙的行為,但是 fraud 也可以指騙子(人)。
scammer 指的則是詐欺犯或是騙取錢財的人。
scam 通常是指涉及金錢的詐騙。
fraud 則是指規模夠大及牽扯更多種的詐騙,例如:金錢、藝術品、個資…等。
◆ 詐騙集團:fraud ring
◆ 犯罪:commit
commit 是動詞,後面會加上犯的罪行或違法的事情。
例如:commit the crime
◆ 罪行:crime
◆ 非法、違法:illegal = against the law
◆ 受害者:victim
1. 求職詐騙 job scam
The issue of human trafficking in Cambodia is currently severe. How dare you still consider going there for a job?
◆ Cambodia:柬埔寨
◆ human trafficking:人口販賣、人蛇集團
◇ KK園區:KK Park
◇ 贖金:ransom
◇ 器官買賣:organ trade
2. 網路購物詐騙 eCommerce scam
Don’t easily place any order on unknown e-commerce platforms, as there might be a significant risk of personal data misappropriation.
◆ 電商平台:e-commerce platform
◆ 盜用:misappropriate
◆ 個資:private data
◇ 資料外洩:data breach
◇ 網路攻擊:cyberattack
3. 網路交友詐騙 romance scam
She fell victim to a romance scam by someone claiming to be an American engineer. To make matters worse, she was scammed out of 3 million dollars.
◆ 網路交友:internet relationship
◆ 交友軟體:dating app
◆ 成為...的受害者:fall victim to sth
◇ 套路:trick
◇ 渣男:scum
4. 金融詐騙 financial scam、投資詐騙 investment scam
Stock investments and mutual fund investments are subject to market risk. Please read the offer document carefully before investing.
◆ market risk:市場風險
◆ offer document:購股説明書
◇ 投資理財:investment and financial management
◇ 洗錢:money laundering
◇ 虛擬貨幣:virtual currency
5. 簡訊詐騙 text message scam
Avoid clicking on any unfamiliar links in text messages. They might direct you to phishing pages.
◆ 連結:link
◆ 釣魚網站:phishing page
◇ 垃圾信件:spam
◇ 釣魚式標題:clickbait
◇ 農場文:content farm
6. 解除分期付款詐騙 installment scam
例句:ATM 除了存款、提款與轉帳,沒有其他功能。
ATMs only do three things: deposit, withdraw, and transfer.
◆ 存款:deposit
◆ 提款:withdraw
◆ 轉帳:transfer
◆ 匯款:remit
◇ 分期付款:installment
◇ 人頭帳戶:dummy account
◇ 車手:money mule
7. 陌生電話詐騙 phone scam
例句:現在的電話詐騙越來越嚴重了,還會用 AI 技術偽造聲音進行詐騙。
Phone scams nowadays are becoming more and more serious. The scammers even use artificial intelligence technology to create fake voice for their schemes.
◆ AI 技術:AI technology
◆ 偽造:fake
◆ 深度偽造:deepfake(AI 的人體圖像合成技術應用)
◇ 偽造文書:uttering
前陣子有同學跟我們分享他差點被騙的事情,酷編整個嚇爛! Σ(゚Д゚;≡`゚д゚)
前陣子就連社群平台 Dcard 也因會員匿名發文涉及詐騙等案件,遭到警檢搜尋。
◆ 詐騙:scam、fraud
兩個字都是名詞,也是廣義的同義字,指的是詐騙的行為,但是 fraud 也可以指騙子(人)。
scammer 指的則是詐欺犯或是騙取錢財的人。
scam 通常是指涉及金錢的詐騙。
fraud 則是指規模夠大及牽扯更多種的詐騙,例如:金錢、藝術品、個資…等。
◆ 詐騙集團:fraud ring
◆ 犯罪:commit
commit 是動詞,後面會加上犯的罪行或違法的事情。
例如:commit the crime
◆ 罪行:crime
◆ 非法、違法:illegal = against the law
◆ 受害者:victim
1. 求職詐騙 job scam
The issue of human trafficking in Cambodia is currently severe. How dare you still consider going there for a job?
◆ Cambodia:柬埔寨
◆ human trafficking:人口販賣、人蛇集團
◇ KK園區:KK Park
◇ 贖金:ransom
◇ 器官買賣:organ trade
2. 網路購物詐騙 eCommerce scam
Don’t easily place any order on unknown e-commerce platforms, as there might be a significant risk of personal data misappropriation.
◆ 電商平台:e-commerce platform
◆ 盜用:misappropriate
◆ 個資:private data
◇ 資料外洩:data breach
◇ 網路攻擊:cyberattack
3. 網路交友詐騙 romance scam
She fell victim to a romance scam by someone claiming to be an American engineer. To make matters worse, she was scammed out of 3 million dollars.
◆ 網路交友:internet relationship
◆ 交友軟體:dating app
◆ 成為...的受害者:fall victim to sth
◇ 套路:trick
◇ 渣男:scum
4. 金融詐騙 financial scam、投資詐騙 investment scam
Stock investments and mutual fund investments are subject to market risk. Please read the offer document carefully before investing.
◆ market risk:市場風險
◆ offer document:購股説明書
◇ 投資理財:investment and financial management
◇ 洗錢:money laundering
◇ 虛擬貨幣:virtual currency
5. 簡訊詐騙 text message scam
Avoid clicking on any unfamiliar links in text messages. They might direct you to phishing pages.
◆ 連結:link
◆ 釣魚網站:phishing page
◇ 垃圾信件:spam
◇ 釣魚式標題:clickbait
◇ 農場文:content farm
6. 解除分期付款詐騙 installment scam
例句:ATM 除了存款、提款與轉帳,沒有其他功能。
ATMs only do three things: deposit, withdraw, and transfer.
◆ 存款:deposit
◆ 提款:withdraw
◆ 轉帳:transfer
◆ 匯款:remit
◇ 分期付款:installment
◇ 人頭帳戶:dummy account
◇ 車手:money mule
7. 陌生電話詐騙 phone scam
例句:現在的電話詐騙越來越嚴重了,還會用 AI 技術偽造聲音進行詐騙。
Phone scams nowadays are becoming more and more serious. The scammers even use artificial intelligence technology to create fake voice for their schemes.
◆ AI 技術:AI technology
◆ 偽造:fake
◆ 深度偽造:deepfake(AI 的人體圖像合成技術應用)
◇ 偽造文書:uttering