I hope this email finds you well!
特別是 B2B 或者跟國外有商業上往來的公司,許多英文信件內容都會頻繁地使用到縮寫。
各種英文信件的開頭、結尾、內容及單據等,酷編這次整理了 Email 常見的商用英文縮寫。

1. 各種工作型態與工作模式:
◆ B2B = business to business 企業對企業
◆ B2C = business to consumer 企業對個人
◆ WFH = work from home 在家工作
◆ SOHO = small office / home office 小型辦公室 / 家庭辦公室
◆ KPI = key performance indicator 績效指標

2. 信件百百種,最常見的那一種:
剛進公司,主管常常會提醒:「信件記得 CC 我」,CC 是什麼意思?
◆ CC = carbon copy 副本
除了主要收件人之外,與信件有關的主管、部門同事或是收件公司方的其他同事都可以使用 CC 副本,這樣大家都能收到信件並掌握其訊息。
◆ BCC = blind carbon copy 密件副本
◆ FW / FWD = forward 轉寄
◆ FYI = for your information 供您參考
◆ FYR = for your reference 供您參考
◆ FYG = for your guidance 供您指引(建議或參考)

Dear ALL,
New updated notice from IT Department.供您參考。
IT Department
3. 工作中的狀態:
◆ TBC = to be confirmed 待確認
◆ TBD = to be determined 待確定
◆ OOO = out of office 不在辦公室
◆ IAM = in a meeting 會議中
◆ OTP = on the phone 通話中

Thank you for your email. I am currently OOO and will not be able to respond to emails until Jan 18. If your matter is urgent, please contact Sean ([email protected]). Otherwise, I will get back to you upon my return.
Thank you for your understanding.您好,
謝謝您的來信。我目前不在辦公室,直到1/18之前都無法回覆信件。如您有急事,請聯繫Sean ([email protected])。我會在回到辦公室後盡快回覆您的信件。
感謝您的諒解。Best Regards,
4. 信件的回覆與時限:
◆ RE = reply 回覆
◆ RSVP = répondez s'il vous plaît 敬請回覆
◆ NYR = need your response 請回覆
◆ NRN = no reply necessary 不需回覆
◆ ASAP = as soon as possible 愈快愈好
◆ TYT = take your time 慢慢來
◆ EOD = end of day 今天之內
◆ EOW = end of week 這週之內
◆ TIA = thank you in advance 先跟您致謝

Dear Mr. Smith,
We urgently request the quotation for our order, and kindly ask for it by EOD.
As the order is in a rush, we highly appreciate if the delivery time could be scheduled by EOW.
先跟您致謝。Best Regards,

5. 信件中的各種單據,別忘記附上附件喲!
◆ PO = purchase order 採購單 / 訂單
◆ PR = purchase requisition / purchase request 請購單
◆ INV = invoice 商業發票
◆ P/L = packing list 裝箱單
◆ B/L = bill of lading 提單
◆ S/O = shipping order 裝貨單
◆ MOQ = minimum order quantity 最小訂購量
◆ ETA = estimated time of arrival 預計到達時間
◆ ETD = estimated time of departure 預計出發時間

Dear Mr. Smith,
We have received your PO and appreciate your continued business.
Please refer to INV and P/L as the attachment and kindly confirm the details.
The requested item in PR is a standard product, and there is no need to place an order with MOQ for this batch. ETD is scheduled for next week.
Thank you for your cooperation.我們已經收到您的採購單。謝謝您持續跟我們合作。
謝謝您的合作。Best Regards,

6. 信件單據中常見的附加資訊:
◆ W/ = with 具有
◆ W/O = without 沒有
◆ AVAIL = available 適用
◆ N/A = not applicable / not available 不適用
◆ Approx = approximately 大概、大約
◆ INFO = information 資訊
◆ FAQ = frequently asked question 常見問題
◆ QTY = quantity 數量
◆ OOS = out of stock 缺貨

Dear Mr. Smith,
Please refer to the stock info below.
Products - QTY - Processing Model - Sample
A01 - OOS - W/ A type - N/A
A02 - OOS - W/ B type - MOQ 3 units
C01 - 2 units - N/A - N/AIf you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me.
產品 - 數量 - 加工樣式 - 樣品
A01 - 無庫存 - 帶 A樣式 - 無
A02 - 無庫存 - 帶 B樣式 - 最小訂購量 3 件
C01 - 2 件 - 不適用 - 無如您有任何疑慮或問題,歡迎隨時與我聯繫。
Best Regards,
I hope this email finds you well!
特別是 B2B 或者跟國外有商業上往來的公司,許多英文信件內容都會頻繁地使用到縮寫。
各種英文信件的開頭、結尾、內容及單據等,酷編這次整理了 Email 常見的商用英文縮寫。

1. 各種工作型態與工作模式:
◆ B2B = business to business 企業對企業
◆ B2C = business to consumer 企業對個人
◆ WFH = work from home 在家工作
◆ SOHO = small office / home office 小型辦公室 / 家庭辦公室
◆ KPI = key performance indicator 績效指標

2. 信件百百種,最常見的那一種:
剛進公司,主管常常會提醒:「信件記得 CC 我」,CC 是什麼意思?
◆ CC = carbon copy 副本
除了主要收件人之外,與信件有關的主管、部門同事或是收件公司方的其他同事都可以使用 CC 副本,這樣大家都能收到信件並掌握其訊息。
◆ BCC = blind carbon copy 密件副本
◆ FW / FWD = forward 轉寄
◆ FYI = for your information 供您參考
◆ FYR = for your reference 供您參考
◆ FYG = for your guidance 供您指引(建議或參考)

Dear ALL,
New updated notice from IT Department.供您參考。
IT Department
3. 工作中的狀態:
◆ TBC = to be confirmed 待確認
◆ TBD = to be determined 待確定
◆ OOO = out of office 不在辦公室
◆ IAM = in a meeting 會議中
◆ OTP = on the phone 通話中

Thank you for your email. I am currently OOO and will not be able to respond to emails until Jan 18. If your matter is urgent, please contact Sean ([email protected]). Otherwise, I will get back to you upon my return.
Thank you for your understanding.您好,
謝謝您的來信。我目前不在辦公室,直到1/18之前都無法回覆信件。如您有急事,請聯繫Sean ([email protected])。我會在回到辦公室後盡快回覆您的信件。
感謝您的諒解。Best Regards,
4. 信件的回覆與時限:
◆ RE = reply 回覆
◆ RSVP = répondez s'il vous plaît 敬請回覆
◆ NYR = need your response 請回覆
◆ NRN = no reply necessary 不需回覆
◆ ASAP = as soon as possible 愈快愈好
◆ TYT = take your time 慢慢來
◆ EOD = end of day 今天之內
◆ EOW = end of week 這週之內
◆ TIA = thank you in advance 先跟您致謝

Dear Mr. Smith,
We urgently request the quotation for our order, and kindly ask for it by EOD.
As the order is in a rush, we highly appreciate if the delivery time could be scheduled by EOW.
先跟您致謝。Best Regards,

5. 信件中的各種單據,別忘記附上附件喲!
◆ PO = purchase order 採購單 / 訂單
◆ PR = purchase requisition / purchase request 請購單
◆ INV = invoice 商業發票
◆ P/L = packing list 裝箱單
◆ B/L = bill of lading 提單
◆ S/O = shipping order 裝貨單
◆ MOQ = minimum order quantity 最小訂購量
◆ ETA = estimated time of arrival 預計到達時間
◆ ETD = estimated time of departure 預計出發時間

Dear Mr. Smith,
We have received your PO and appreciate your continued business.
Please refer to INV and P/L as the attachment and kindly confirm the details.
The requested item in PR is a standard product, and there is no need to place an order with MOQ for this batch. ETD is scheduled for next week.
Thank you for your cooperation.我們已經收到您的採購單。謝謝您持續跟我們合作。
謝謝您的合作。Best Regards,

6. 信件單據中常見的附加資訊:
◆ W/ = with 具有
◆ W/O = without 沒有
◆ AVAIL = available 適用
◆ N/A = not applicable / not available 不適用
◆ Approx = approximately 大概、大約
◆ INFO = information 資訊
◆ FAQ = frequently asked question 常見問題
◆ QTY = quantity 數量
◆ OOS = out of stock 缺貨

Dear Mr. Smith,
Please refer to the stock info below.
Products - QTY - Processing Model - Sample
A01 - OOS - W/ A type - N/A
A02 - OOS - W/ B type - MOQ 3 units
C01 - 2 units - N/A - N/AIf you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me.
產品 - 數量 - 加工樣式 - 樣品
A01 - 無庫存 - 帶 A樣式 - 無
A02 - 無庫存 - 帶 B樣式 - 最小訂購量 3 件
C01 - 2 件 - 不適用 - 無如您有任何疑慮或問題,歡迎隨時與我聯繫。
Best Regards,